Lowongan Magang PT United Tractors Tbk

Lowongan Magang PT United Tractors Tbk
Logkerja.id – Kesempatan magang PT United Tractors Tbk telah dibuka kembali, Segera daftakan diri anda!

Profil singkat perusahaan:
PT United Tractors Tbk (UT) merupakan perusahaan distributor alat berat terkemuka di Indonesia yang menyediakan brand Tadano, Komatsu, Bomag, Komatsu Forest, Scania dan UD Trucks. Perusahaan ini telah berdiri sejak tanggal 13 Oktober 1972 dan mencatatkan diri di Bursa Efek Jakarta dan Bursa Efek Surabaya (kini BEI) pada tanggal 13 Oktober 1972.

Hingga kini UT telah memiliki 11 kantor perwakilan, 22 kantor pendukung dan 19 kantor cabang yang tersebar di seluruh Penjuru Nusantara. Sedangkan unit usaha yang sedang dikerjakan oleh UT terbagi menjadi tiga bagian yaitu pertambangan, mesin konstruksi dan kontraktor pertambangan.

Informasi alamat kantor perusahan:
PT United Tractors Tbk
Jl. Raya Bekasi Km 22, Cakung
Jakarta Timur 13910
Website: www.unitedtractors.com

Untuk menunjang kinerja dan perkembangan perusahaan yang lebih baik, pihak manajemen membuka kesempatan yang seluas-luasnya bagi putra-putri bangsa untuk bergabung dalam program internship PT United Tractors Tbk dengan menempati posisi sebagai berikut:

Program Magang PT United Tractors Tbk

1) Multimedia & Creative Designer


  • Designing content and publication designs in the form of graphics, photos, and videos for news reports and company activities on the company's communication channels.
  • Uploading interactive content to build brand awareness through creative campaigns on social media.
  • Ensuring the consistency of social media publications, conducting evaluations and making reports on the effectiveness of social media publications and providing recommendations from the results of the evaluation.
  • Analyzing, testing, optimizing strategies and monitoring social media publications, including building personal connections with social media users.


  • Bachelor/ Diploma degree of Visual Communication Design
  • GPA Min 3.00
  • Fresh graduates or students at final semester are welcome
  • Proficient with design software and technologies (such as InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Corel, Premiere and After Effect, Adobe Audition)
  • Have an interest on social media, visual design, videography, photography, video editor or multimedia and communication issues
  • Creative, details and passionate with art and aesthetics
  • Good communication and able to work in team
  • Work placement at United Tractors Head Office (Cakung-Jaktim)

2) Communications Analyst


  • Compiling and editing informative, persuasive, and creative news using Indonesian and English.
  • Analyzing and designing content strategies according to the target audience and publication needs.
  • Analyzing publication targets and current issues to determine content plans that correspond with the current situation.
  • Conducting media monitoring related to company news.
  • Creating draft documents related to the company's communication program.


  • Bachelor/ Diploma degree of Communication
  • GPA Min 3.00
  • Fresh graduates or students at final semester are welcome
  • Preferably fluent in English (Native or bilingual proficiency in both spoken and written English)
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office including Word, Excel and PowerPoint or related software
  • Have an interest in communication and social issues
  • Good communication and able to work in team
  • Work placement at United Tractors Head Office (Cakung-Jaktim)

3) CSR Analyst


  • Prepare, update and monitor compliance with ESG and SDG's principles and criteria
  • Collect and update all company documents & report related to sustainability (ESG, SDG's, Sustainability Report, etc)
  • Develop and maintain strategic sustainability communication plan
  • Advisory and support for sustainability campaigns and events
  • Advisory to sustainability report & esg report


  • Bachelor degree of Environment Engineering/ Sociology/ Social Welfare
  • GPA Min 3.00
  • Fresh graduates or students at final semester are welcome
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office including Word, Excel and PowerPoint or related software
  • Have an interest in social issues and community development
  • Good communication and able to work in team
  • Work placement at United Tractors Head Office (Cakung-Jaktim)

Apabila anda memenuhi kualifikasi dan tertarik pada posisi yang sedang ditawarkan pada lowongan magang PT United Tractors Tbk segera kirimkan CV dan portofolio anda ke alamat email yang ada di bawah ini:


Deadline lowongan:
Aplikasi lamaran anda ditunggu paling lambat sampai dengan tanggal 17 Juli 2024.

Catatan penting:
1. Follow instagram @Logkerja atau Telegram @Logkerja untuk update info lowongan terbaru lainnya
2. Selama proses rekrutmen magang, PT United Tractors Tbk tidak pernah bekerja sama dengan agen perjalanan/ travel manapun serta tidak pernah meminta sejumlah biaya atau menawarkan hadiah (reward) kepada calon pelamar dengan alasan apapun
3. Hanya kandidat terpilih dan memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan diundang oleh tim rekrutmen untuk mengikuti tahapan selanjutnya.

Loker, Lowongan, 
PT United Tractors Tbk