Lowongan Kerja PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC)

Lowongan Kerja PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC)

Lowongan kerja terbaru PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC)/ Logkerja.id

Profil perusahaan:
PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) merupakan perusahaan batu bara yang pusat lokasinya berada di Sangatta, Kalimantan Timur dan memiliki kantor perwakilan di Jakarta. Selain melakukan eksplorasi pertambangan, perusahaan ini juga bergerak dalam bidang pemasaran batu bara ke dalam dan luar negeri.

Adapun penghargaan yang berhasil diraih oleh PT. KPC diantaranya adalah Kecelakaan Nihil 2016 dari Gubernur Kalimantan Timur, Proper Green 2016 dari Gubernur Kalimantan Timur, Aditama for Mining Safety 2015 dari Dirjen Mineral, Coal & Geothermal dan beragam penghargaan lainnya

Informasi alamat kantor pusat perusahaan:
PT. Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC)
M1 Building Mine Site
Sangatta, Kutai Timur
Kalimantan Timur
Website: kpc.co.id

Guna meningkatkan kinerja dan produktifitas perusahaan yang lebih baik, pihak manajemen membuka kesempatan bagi putra-putri bangsa untuk bergabung dalam loker PT Kaltim Prima Coal untuk menempati posisi sebagai berikut:

Rekrutmen Terbaru PT Kaltim Prima Coal

1) Statistician

Key elements of the position include:
  • Input the drill data isuch as availability, breakdown, meter, and bitirod changel from shift report into dispatch
  • and spreadsheet database.
  • Input and verify the data of daily blasting accessories, bulk explosives, every pit, and contractor from Orica/AEL/warehouse to prepare monthly reports.
  • Create daily and weekly reports, enter and validate data on bulk explosives used each day, as well as the volume of overburden or coal blasting, to determine the powder factor.
  • Input blasting environmental data both vibration and air blast.
  • Prepare daily reports, drill availability, meters, and bulk explosives used.
  • Prepare weekly meeting data, volume blasting, total drill meters, penetration rate, powder factor overburden/coal graph, and broken material graph.
  • Provide explosive and accessories usage data and prepare for daily and monthly reports to the police.
  • Provide drill and blast monthly report, cost, drill back charge, bulk explosive, and accessories to contractors (PAMA and DH)
  • Develop and improve reporting systems to be more effective and efficient.
  • Assist Blasting Engineers to prepare explosives, magazine permits, and budget department.
  • Demonstrate and encourage conformity to and implementation of HSE regulations, policies, rules, and systems.
  • Implement and supervise the implementation of business and performance improvement within the work unit.
  • Implement activities as instructions to achieve the efficient and optimum manner.

  • Education in Statistics, Computer, Mining, or other related fields with experience in drilling and blasting operations. As a guide, the minimum related experience is 3 years for D3/D4/S1 graduates and 7 years for SMA/SMK graduates.
  • Good computer skills, particularly in MS Office Excel.
  • Sound knowledge about drilling and blasting in mining operations and advanced statistics.
  • Sound knowledge about MIMS, Ellipse, and Dispatch.
  • Thorough knowledge of KPC and government blasting standards and regulations. Experience in legal provisions related to government and police reports.
  • Experience in reporting and controlling explosive material handling at magazines and warehouses.
  • KJL-2 certification would be a great advantage.
  • Good communication and presentation skills in Bahasa Indonesia and English.
  • Good planning and organizing skills
  • Good interpersonal skills to liaise with field staff to solve problems.

2) Specialist-Occupational Health

Key element of the position include:
  • Conduct industrial hygiene programs, such as planning and monitoring work areas for industrial hygiene parameters and maintaining industrial hygiene equipment readiness and data availability. • Analyse and interpret data, develop reports and recommendations, and monitor follow-up action
  • based on the industrial hygiene approach Conduct IH-OH inspections, such as food and potable water, chemicals, and ergonomics. T
  • Supervise Contractors' activity within the work unit.
  • Conduct assessment and monitoring within the work rehabilitation program (WRP).
  • Demonstrate and encourage conformity to and implementation of HSE and IH-OH regulations, policies, rules, and systems.
  • Supervise and implement business and performance improvement within the work unit.
  • Implement activities as instructed to achieve an efficient and optimum manner.
  • Contribute to the implementation of knowledge managerment by performing coaching and knowledge sharing with peers.

  • Educational background in Public Health, Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), or other related fields with experience in industrial hygiene and occupational health. As a guide, minimum related experience is 3 years for S1 graduates and 5 years for D3 graduates.
  • Higiene Industri Muda (HIMU) certification would be a great advantage.
  • Excellent knowledge of industrial hygiene (IH) and occupational health (OH) within mining activity.
  • Thorough knowledge of all KPC and IH-OH regulations, standards , and requirements. Sound knowledge and exposure in conducting industrial hygiene measurements.
  • Good analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Good interpersonal and presentation skills for liaising with customers.
  • Good financial skills in handling capital, costing, and budgeting.
  • Good computer skills, particularly MS Office (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) and other computer software packages.
  • Good communication skills in Bahasa and English; as a guide, level of proficiency in English is minimum level 4.

Jika anda tertarik pada posisi yang sedang ditawarkan dalam lowongan kerja PT Kaltim Prima Coal segera daftarkan diri anda melalui link yang ada dibawah ini:

[ Statistician ]

Specialist-Occupational Health ]

Deadline lowongan:
Aplikasi lamaran anda ditunggu paling lambat sampai dengan tanggal 10 Juli 2024

Catatan penting:
1. Follow instagram @logkerja atau Telegram @logkerja untuk update info lowongan terbaru lainnya
2. Selama proses rekrutmen, PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) tidak pernah bekerja sama dengan agen perjalanan/ travel manapun serta tidak pernah meminta sejumlah biaya kepada calon karyawan/ pelamar dengan alasan apapun
3. Hanya kandidat terpilih dan memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan diundang oleh tim rekrutmen untuk mengikuti tahapan selanjutnya.

Loker, Lowongan, PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC)